The world moves forward. Whats with us? Introduction to Relativity.
World rushes forward with increasing speed. This happens also in the field of astrophysics and quantum physics (my love). However, there are some fundamental questions: "Is there an end to human knowledge? Is there any discernible achievable end?". According to many astrophysicists considering issues of advanced quantum physics must completely reject any possibility of interference of God as the Supreme Being. Is this right? We are already met all the laws of the universe? (The same question can be found in the biblical book of Job 38:33). In the last post as an introduction to this blog, the topic is quantum physics and astrophysics, I said about the relativity of time and space. Einstein's theory was further developed and repeatedly amended. It is sad that people reject God in the first place, as if faith in him was a sign of weakness, not strength. In this blog I will try to show that the God who revealed himself in the pages of His Word - the Bible - is right. Sometimes only by man shall his ability to bend the truth sinks into the abyss of their own thoughts.
Orion's Nebula - source: HST/NASA (Job 38:31-33)
Orion's Nebula - 4K quality movie
The last article was only a prelude to a series of posts that will gradually appear here. Series about the relativity of time and space within the meaning of the Bible and many of the leading quantum physicists, such as Max Planck, who once said: "The whole matter was created and exists only thanks to the perfection of the force ... We must assume that behind this force hides the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Is he right? Of course.
Conferention in Solvay. Max Planck is second from the left in the first line.
The next article will be titled: "Transition of Mercury - 09.05.2016. Magnetic storms".
Thank you for your attention.
Very nice blog, keep up the good work!